Tuesday, May 31, 2011

wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork

wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. “No; wiz khalifa no sleep
  • “No; wiz khalifa no sleep

  • jake4ever
    Apr 5, 10:00 PM
    4.2.6 required!? But I hate to update.. :(

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  • SPUY767
    Oct 3, 08:32 AM
    Right, there are only billions of people who can watch DVD's on computers of their choice now because of his efforts who couldn't before, spawning all kinds of video editing, DVR, and high-quality conversion systems that couldn't have existed without his work.

    He defeated a system designed to take away fair use rights from the citizenry and hasn't done anything productive? OK, if you don't care about your rights maybe you have a point.

    Billions huh? There are scarcely a billion personal computers out there, forget the linux numbers, they are in the low millions. And you honestly think that there are tons of people using Open Source just because we do? No, the masses are content to use Windows Media in all its crappiness to play all their DVDs. We, my friend, are few and far between.

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
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  • *LTD*
    Mar 6, 01:53 PM
    Yep. Apple takes ideas that others managed to half-ass and makes them beautiful, usable and desirable. Good enough for me. Good enough for record-breaking quarters, too. And all accomplished with a closed, tightly-controlled ecosystem. Correction . . . all accomplished because of a closed, tightly-controlled ecosystem.

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album art
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  • islesguy81
    Mar 25, 12:24 AM
    Happy Birthday! :apple:;)

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  • gkarris
    Oct 17, 10:39 AM
    Given the same quality decoding hardware, for most movies they shouldn't see any difference at all. Both support the same codecs (MPEG-2, h.264, and VC-1). The first Blu-Ray discs were encoded using MPEG-2, which produced a lower quality image than the VC-1-encoded HD-DVD discs, but newer Blu-Ray discs are using VC-1 as well. The picture should be identical between the two.

    The only case I could see where the capacity would affect it would be for longer movies like Lord of the Rings, where the encoded video plus lossless audio may reach the boundaries of HD-DVD. We could conceivably see more compression artifacts or the dropping of higher-resolution audio or commentaries on HD-DVD in these cases, whereas Blu-Ray would have more space. But this shouldn't affect most titles.

    Doesn't matter if they are now using the same codec. People's displays are messed up (component vs HDMI, version of HDMI, is the resolution REALLY 1080p?) as well as the players. As far as I'm concerned, the whole thing's messed up....

    I posted this in this forum:


    "Wow, I went online to see the pros and cons of each format. When someone posts a pro/con of one system, they post the rebuttle of it on the other....

    Like, I heard that Blu-Ray only has MPEG-2 right now, but it is capable of MPEG-4 and studios backing both formats will start releasing Bluray in MPEG-4 since they have to encode the movie in that for HD-DVD anyways.... what about the current Bluray titles?

    I heard that Sony does have the dual layer Blurays available, and hybrid DVD/BD available also...

    I saw a post of a guy online who actually hooked up his Samsung to a massive HP 60"(?) monitor that actually takes 1080p/24 scan signal (I guess a lot of TVs will take only 1080i and will upscale it to 1080p inside the TV) and he says Bluray is great! Do people actually have this sort of monitor?

    Then, there's this whole 1080p/24 discs and if you want 1080p/60 Bluray has to take 1080p/24 go to 1080i/60 then to 1080p/60... what?

    Then, I heard that the HD-DVD players if you have a 720p set that the player will take a 1080i disc, down it to 480p, then up it to 720p. They recommend to make the player output 1080i and have your set take it down to 720p (which my projector won't do, it just takes any signal you give it and shows that).

    Wow, I'm now sooooo confused, I'm going to watch my Laserdiscs and Betamax for a while....."

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. We here no about “No Sleep“,
  • We here no about “No Sleep“,

  • Catonow
    Mar 17, 01:13 AM
    One possibility that came to mind is that the cashier guy let him get away with it because he intended to pocket the cash himself.

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • Drag'nGT
    Oct 6, 12:08 PM
    Isn't Verizon's 4G network going to be GSM?

    on another note if it is wouldn't their coverage also be spotty?

    Verizon bought many different CDMA companies that didn't take off during the early years of cell phones. Because of that, they have infrastructure that can be upgraded. In other words, they have towers in those areas that shaded red. CDMA or GSM doesn't matter so much as having a tower in the area to put equipment on. So no, the upgrade to 4G will not cause spotty coverage.

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album art
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  • cmaier
    Apr 5, 04:28 PM
    I'm going to start a TV channel that only shows commercials.

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. No sleep single by wiz khalifa
  • No sleep single by wiz khalifa

  • Macky-Mac
    May 6, 12:32 PM
    Of course we should . The free market would put him/her out of business after they killed enough people. :rolleyes:

    and it probably would lead to cheaper medical care since doctors would no longer be required to go to medical school or prove they know anything about medicine :eek:

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album art
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  • stoid
    Aug 7, 07:05 PM
    Hmm..I wonder if this means that we wont see the issues plaguing the 23"s (poor color, banding, etc etc etc)

    If so, time to make an upgrade!

    I called my local Apple Store and the guy I talked to didn't even know that there were 'new' monitors. So I ordered mine online, pronto!

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • SilentPanda
    Apr 24, 11:02 AM
    Has there been any word from the higher-ups on why this feature was implemented now after years of asking and for seemingly no good reason?

    Doctor Q addressed some of this in post 149 (http://forums.macrumors.com/showpost.php?p=12442007&postcount=149).

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • deadpoet
    Aug 7, 08:29 PM
    The Apple Cinema Displays are expensive, but these are high-end professional grade LCDs. If you're going to be using them only to surf the web and watch TV then your money is wasted -- go and get a cheap Dell instead.

    I know what I'll get when I'm looking for an LCD for my graphics work.
    Take a look at this report:

    We use EIZO and Apple Cinema Display LCDs at work (we do web and print design and photography/digital imaging), and they are worth every dollar. We would not settle for anything less.

    So in conclusion: for gaming and general web surfing, get a cheap consumer LCD. For serious graphics work, design and digital imaging, get a high-end LCD from trusted makers such as Apple, LaCie or EIZO.

    I'm sick of people whining about the Apple Cinema Displays and how Apple is "ripping" people off. Booohooo. If you're complaining, then the ACD isn't meant for you. And if you think the ACDs cost a lot, you haven't seen the prices for the EIZOs!

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • nosen
    Nov 25, 07:42 AM
    Could someone please tell me what is thanksgiving, I have seen it being celebrated on many american television programs and I know it's got something to do with turkeys but they never seem to mention its origins. Also is it a national public holiday ?


    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 04:35 AM
    Awesome, to make enough time for this lets just forget everything after the Great Depression because it's not like that junk matters as much as gays being persecuted. Seriously, the Holocaust and the Rape of Nanjing are totally trivial events compared to the Stonewall riots. We should totally drop coverage of the bombing of Pearl Harbor to make room for a lecture on how NAMBLA doesn't represent gays. To top it off we should ditch the civil rights movement in favor of the White Night riots!

    :rolleyes: there is no time available to teach this, if we teach this something else gets whacked. As is we get to the 1930s by the tests which go to the 1980s...

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • juststranded
    Oct 17, 04:20 PM
    The porn industry did choose blu-ray because of capactiy and because they believe the PS3 will be a huge factor in the winning format.

    GO HERE! (http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/05/02/pornhd/index.php?lsrc=mwrss)

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • Slix
    Mar 24, 03:58 PM
    Happy Birthday OS X! I still love you. :D

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album art
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album art

  • Hovey
    Jul 21, 12:04 PM
    But Apple admitted that it DOES drop more calls than 3GS.

    They spun it as "less than 1 per 100", but assuming all 3,000,000 iPhone 4 users make about 5 calls per day, that's over ONE MILLION dropped calls per week MORE than iPhone 3GS.

    It's a problem.
    It's been reproduced by CNET, Consumer Reports, NYT, and many others.

    The debate here is not whether there's a problem, but why Apple is obfuscating, rather than fixing it, pretending that bridging the gap of their electrically exposed antenna is equivalent to attenuating an antenna by completely covering it with one's meaty hand.
    (seems like moving this gap to the bottom edge of the phone where it's far less likely to be touched, would be an easy fix).

    Umm, that's still less than 1%. That's pretty good. That would be out of 100 million calls. 99 million calls were fine.

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep single.
  • wiz khalifa no sleep single.

  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 12:33 PM
    Yi don't even know why people bring up the apple ecosystem.

    Its simple really.

    The Apple ecosystem is very good and quite convenient. Yet it's dictatorial, heavily censored, and some truly great apps are rejected because Apple is afraid that customers will embrace these apps and wonder why Apple failed to incorporate the functionality into the native iOS.

    Quite to the contrary of the view Apple Evangelists hold, Apple's iPhone is not the best smartphone on the planet. Excellent? Yes, The best? Not so much.

    Oh sure they currently have massive sales volume, but so does, toxic highly fatty fast food.

    The realty is the general public wants what most others have, an iPhone - they're a dime a dozen and everywhere, a fad that will eventually fade.

    Stay tuned, this movies not over. :)

    wiz khalifa no sleep album artwork. wiz khalifa no sleep album
  • wiz khalifa no sleep album

  • Eso
    Apr 25, 08:22 PM
    They had the perfect opportunity to change the screen size last year. They introduced a higher resolution screen and a new design. They could have designed the phone for a larger screen and talked about how the screen was both larger and sharper. Instead, they kept the same screen size and talked about the 326 PPI retina resolution.

    So now you think that they are adding a larger screen with fewer PPI to last years' form-factor which was designed for a 3.5" screen? C'mon... get real.

    Why would Apple create a new design with the same screen size if they were planning on using that same design a year later with a larger screen? It doesn't make any sense. If they had plans to use a larger screen, they would have done it with the iPhone 4. If they do it in the future, it will have a different design.

    Oct 19, 09:51 AM
    I would love to know what the worldwide figure is for Apple market percentage. I know it says here that its not in the top 5, hence no available data, but it would be interesting to see, particularly here in the UK, as the amount of people I know who have switched in the last year has been huge!!

    I know Apple is doing well, but the problem is the Asian companies that are doing extraordinary in their markets continually kick Apple out of the numbers. You want to buy Gartner's report for MacRumors when it comes out :cool:

    May 2, 09:23 AM
    Kinda glad about this, the new sliders did look awesome and very iOSy but the slight delay in seeing a switch between two different states with the animation, especially between two areas far away could be a bit annoying and time consuming. We are only talking like 1/2 a second max probably but that is still something compared to the instant response of having a simple button.

    May 2, 01:31 PM
    I have been playing with the Lion Preview for a few weeks, on and off, and I am not liking what I see.

    I like the minimalist look, to some extent. It feels very clean and Jobsian, but I feel like many of the features I rely on have been changed. For example:

    Mar 24, 03:05 PM
    Happy birthday!:apple:

    Oct 11, 09:48 AM
    and whenever somebody claims to have a "reliable source" I really doubt it, especially those Chinese sites.

    Actually the chinese sites are direct sources. These are trade newspapers reporting the contracts the local factories have received. As such they are accurate and timely for forthcoming products.

    Of course it does not addrerss specific features of the device, but if 20 truckloads of iPods leave the factory we KNOW about it, then Steve announces them 2 weeks later, when the boat arrives.

    The Foxconn announcement on MacBooks indicates Apple is trying to meet demand by adding another factory for a particularly popular item. Switchers join us!


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