Tuesday, May 31, 2011

high definition wallpaper

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  • fyrefly
    Apr 29, 02:19 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    Yep, you are 100% right. Apple will turn us all into 1984 mindless drones and force us to suckle at their App Store teet.


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  • HarryKeogh
    Mar 24, 03:38 PM
    Just saw the YouTube videos of Steve unveiling OS X at MacWorld.

    So funny at what people cheered for back then like items in the dock magnifying as the cursor goes over them.

    Thankfully, we never get excited about little things like that anymore. :D

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Nov 16, 07:15 PM
    The only thing I can seriously see Apple buying from AMD is the new portable ATI Radeon� Xpress 1150 Graphics card for the MacBook range.

    AMD portable CPUs are complete rubbish, the Turion 64 the Turion AM2x and the mobile Sempron range are completely inferrior to any mobile Intel CPU.

    If Apple does release an AMD laptop I will NEVER buy it.

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  • Illuminated
    Apr 6, 05:37 PM
    I'm gonna have to try this.

    I finished it one seating.... :o


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  • bpaluzzi
    May 4, 10:22 AM
    The first link seems to be saying 4% of doctors read their email on an ipad. Do you think that really matches up with what the advertisement says, is that ground breaking?

    Are you talking about this link?

    If so, I'm not sure how you came up with your statement. It's not even a misreading / misunderstanding. Your statement is just plain wrong.

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  • AppleMacDudeG4
    May 4, 06:33 PM
    They forgot to include if you ask us whether you can buy one in an Apple store, we would say "order online".

    Otherwise nice commercial.


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  • bushido
    Apr 30, 08:59 AM
    Windows 8 = version 8 :D When it comes out, 2015?

    more like late 2012. milestone 2 already leaked

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  • jonat8
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    I would hope that if they've closed all the stores, that they will have some new media for all the stores - otherwise it's just a really stupid decision by Apple!

    *still has fingers crossed that movies will be coming to the UK store* - it's going to be a long 4 hours until the keynote..... :p :eek:


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  • balamw
    Apr 12, 09:18 AM
    Oh... hang on. That sounds awfully familiar. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Works)

    They killed Works for Office Starter precisely for this reason. You get basic, ad-supported, functionality with the PC but are actively encouraged to "activate" to a real version of Office. This incentive wasn't there with Works as a separate suite.

    EDIT: Apple may be king of the upsell on the hardware front, but Micorosoft is great at in in software.


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  • vendredi
    Apr 25, 03:35 PM
    Is it just me, or does the back of the iPhone look like the iPod touch (like recent rumours claimed)?

    By the way, it would be moronic for Apple to use 4s instead of 5. They used 3Gs simply because you can't have an iPhone 3G and then a successor named iPhone 3.


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  • xVeinx
    Apr 29, 01:58 PM
    These naysayers have been moaning and groaning about iOS forever. They will continue to do so forever. In the meantime the rest of the world will get on with using some great software (many of it free) and getting a lot of things done.

    I'm glad Apple is pushing things forward. The last thing I want to see is OS X stagnate. Since we are now in the post-PC era, ideas from iOS are precisely what need to be explored. It won't be too many more years from now when the majority of consumer-level computing devices will be tablets running iOS-type gestures. It will be the expected thing to be able to support finger gestures to do common tasks. Any OS that cannot handle this will be considered old-fashioned.

    Apple is doing the right thing by getting the future into OS X. They don't want to be left behind.

    In another sense, the direction of the consumer PC/tablet/etc. will be where Apple takes it. They can play off of their successes with the iPad and iPhone and use that to shift the market to devices where Apple has a substantial amount of IP, experience, and expertise. It's one thing to be an alternative, as opposed to a shift where everything else becomes a (less desirable) alternative. That's where Apple is trying to go. Obviously not everyone agrees, but they have thus far made substantial inroads. Apple is increasingly a consumer-focussed company, so the utility of an interface in OS X, for instance, may suffer in it's usability for the "power user." It's hard to say though how much compromise will be made, as the dramatic changes in Final Cut Pro's upcoming release indicate a continued commitment to at least one sub-group of power users.

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  • dejo
    Apr 27, 01:01 PM
    Yes, that's exactly what I want to accomplish dejo.
    Good. Now we're getting somewhere.

    Please, enlighten me .. what is the difference between the countdown-timer and NSTimer?
    Let me ask you this: what do you think the difference is?

    I though you must use NSTimer to get a countdown or count up timer.
    Using an NSTimer is certainly a common approach to the problem of modeling a countdown timer, but it's certainly not the only one. Because the timer is tied to the main run loop, it is not guaranteed to actually fire every second (in your case). In that case, perhaps the use of NSDate to keep track of seconds elapsed would be a better approach.


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  • iansilv
    Dec 18, 11:29 PM
    Super interesting thread here. Very enjoyable reading, at least for most of the messages. (except for the ditzo who cant see why Apple would have two seperate iphone upgrade dates, one in Jan and one in June.....it makes complete business sense).

    The minute I saw Verizons announcement out of nowhere about rolling out the LTE network in 1/3 of the country on Dec 5, my ears went up. I mean why do that if there isnt something following it soon after? It sure SEEMs like they are "setting the table" for something.

    I guess we'll find out soon enough.

    I just really hope the Verizon Iphone is available in White from Day One. The white is sharp looking.

    Yes- that caught my attention too. Wouldn't they rather "go live" with LTE in 2/3 or the whole country at once? I think if they had their choice, they would... so it would make sense that they are going to be getting a device that can take advantage of LTE where it is available, and stay on 3g where it isn't.

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  • tveric
    Oct 9, 08:32 AM
    But if iTunes' DRM was annoying to users, it never would have made it to 70%. Users absolutely care about DRM. But they're not aware of it unless it's too restrictive or inconvenient - if you give them *bad* DRM they will totally notice it and hate it.

    Again - 70% of the DRM market, not 70% of all music obtained online. And that number doesn't figure in (obviously) any music obtained from a site like allofmp3. The legality of allofmp3 may be dubious, but there's an example of DRM-free music, that people are paying for (at a rate of .10 on the dollar, I'll grant you) - and it's trouncing any other pay service. I would continue to shop there even if they made the prices comparable to the itms, simply because I can be confident that once I purchase an album, I'll be able to play that album on any computer, any mp3 player, anytime, far into the future. Not so with the itms; you need an ipod and itunes, and while those are my current items of choice, who's to say they will continue to be my software and/or player of choice 5, 10, 15 years from now? I still have CDs I bought 15 years ago - I should be able to buy music now with the same confidence, that I can play it forever if I want to.

    And by the way, before I hear the same wrongful accusations about how people are breaking the law by going to allofmp3 - guess what, they're not. Distributing copyrighted material is against the law - every single RIAA lawsuit was brought against someone for THAT offense, being that people were running Kazaa, or other p2p software, and naturally everyone is distributing while downloading. They haven't sued anyone for using allofmp3 simply because technically, it's not illegal to download music from them. Are the operators of the site in violation of the law? Yes - US copyright law, and they're not inside the US. I know it's a shock to some of you, but people not living in the US aren't subject to our laws.

    Support your artists, not the record companies. Buy from DRM-free sites online and see the bands when they tour - that's where 90% of the bands make 90% of their money anyway.


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  • kamm
    Apr 12, 08:30 PM
    That was painful to watch. Sort of like Jack Ass: The Geek Edition. Of course they should be banned. Gizmodo was interfering with companies trying to present their products.

    ...which is absolutely fine. In fact it is a form of standing up for corporations, YES.
    Pathetic attempt? Probably, yes, I think so too and also silly but it's still way less disgusting than these ridiculous brainwashed comments here, this incredible hypocrisy people showcase here when it comes to corporations or Apple or anything.
    For God's sake the person who was in charge for the presentation should be fired on the spot. Yes, it's that person, his incompetence that allowed this prank.

    Man, I never visited Gizmodo regularly but thanks for showing me this piece - I will put them into my Google start page. Not because it's funny - it isn't, it's kinda pathetic - but because apparently they have the guts to do things.
    Thanks for the info, again.

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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 1, 10:07 AM
    I seriously don't understand why people and countries have a problems with Apple's DRM???? You don't have to buy from iTunes and if you do, you know the limitations of that download. If you don't like it, buy elsewhere... iTunes is hardly a monopoly... besides, wouldn't you rather have the CD so you can rip it into a lossless format, have the CD sleeve, etc.???

    I've purchased a lot off of iTunes and then I bought an Archos PMP. Ya it sucked that I couldn't play my iTunes music on there without burning it to CD and re-ripping it, but so what! I knew what I was getting when I downloaded from iTunes so I have no right to bitch.


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  • rdowns
    Apr 21, 12:05 PM
    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

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  • radiohead14
    Apr 16, 04:28 AM
    Apple's success is in large part driven by the ecosystem that they have built around iPod/iTunes/iPhone/iPad. Good luck to anyone breaking into that anytime soon. The day I can buy a song on Mac/PC, synch it to my Android phone, then stream it around my home to HiFi or TV then we will have a competitor. Apple knows it, the record companies and studios know it, someone needs to tell Google.

    What a shame. I really like Android OS but one of my biggest complaints by far is the lack of a solid service to sync and play music with my phone/tablet.

    already exists - Amazon Cloud/Music Player

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  • VictoriaStudent
    Mar 17, 02:32 AM
    :rolleyes: Good luck getting anywhere with that.

    not trying to go anywhere with it. I don't particularly care what happens to our "friend." I just find his arrogance horrendous.

    Jul 24, 02:28 PM
    http://www.deadzune.com/ :)

    Apr 3, 08:43 PM
    Sorry to hear it didn't get better at this point... I was hoping to hear that they busted down the door to find some idiot teenagers playing on the console.

    I'm surprised the police have gone down this far with you over the matter. It's at least refreshing to know that they would attempt to find the item. My roommate in college got his laptop stolen and they were pretty damn apathetic.

    They went to the house and a lady answered the door. She was more than willing to let the police in to search the place. After searching, they came up with nothing. Not even a single game, controller, anything. The house is a rental house. The guy with the pawn record had moved out two months ago. His lease was up December 31st and this new lady had moved in during January.

    May 3, 05:49 AM
    And your option is...?

    Personally, I'd like to know if the deletion that results from turning off Location Services results in slower response time when you turn it back on. Does turning it back on give you a sufficient download from the mothership to get you up and running again quickly?

    I turn off Location Services frequently for a variety of reasons... battery life, roaming internationally, etc. I'd hate to have this non-issue result in slower GPS every time I toggle Location.

    Bingo, where are the options? This is the thing with the cache. Five bucks says people will be complaining about poor Location Services performance after the update.

    Apr 16, 04:51 PM
    Narrow-mindedness is an affront.


    affront |əˈfrənt|
    an action or remark that causes outrage or offense

    Mar 17, 11:18 AM
    I would just like people to know a few things about me:

    I'm an Indian Shaman and a King

    I had coffee this morning

    I'm sick of NYC and the scalpers

    My P is about 3 inches (from the ground)

    I wrote Jobs an email for free **** because I can't wait for shipping

    I was raised in the everybody wins society by useless parents

    I hate everyone that has an iPad 2 right now

    Did I mention the NYC scalpers?

    I love useless threads on MacRumors

    I'm entitled to whatever I want as long as I say so

    There I think I covered just about every useless thread this place has seen lately. :D

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