Tuesday, May 31, 2011

tes skyrim wallpaper

tes skyrim wallpaper. Skyrim Dragonborn Wallpaper
  • Skyrim Dragonborn Wallpaper

  • ndheah
    Jan 15, 01:36 PM
    Way, way, way too much money for what you get. I was hoping they would release a simple, thinner laptop that was going to be cheap and finally compete with Dell/Gateway/HP

    tes skyrim wallpaper. news for TES: Skyrim.
  • news for TES: Skyrim.

  • ddrueckhammer
    Sep 12, 08:41 AM
    I can't imagine why Apple would have an event like this if there was going to be only Disney content available.

    Especially, if they don't have better prices or selection than the Amazon store released last week. Also, if they don't offer renting they are crazy. Who will buy a movie for $14.99 off of the internet without the media? I have actually rented a movie from the Unbox store and despite a crappy UI, problems starting the download, and having to use an S-video cable to connect my laptop to the TV, I found the experience better than expected. 90minutes downloaded in 1.5 hours and available to stream in 25 minutes is more than acceptable for me.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Skyrim Wallpaper amp; ScreenShot
  • Skyrim Wallpaper amp; ScreenShot

  • ChazUK
    Apr 22, 08:41 AM
    The biggest problem with Windows is Microsoft doesn't design Windows for consumers. The biggest chunk of their cash-cow comes from the enterprise. And the Windows desktop platform reflects that.

    An excellent post but you may be overlooking the fact that the more Microsoft bundle in with the OS, the more competitors will complain in a similar vein to the netscape/IE days.

    I bet that Microsoft would love to include more with the OS but the easiest way they can do so is to add it as a completely optional download but still giving the competition a look in and aleviating any cries of monopoly tactics.

    It is astounding the amount of my Windows using friends that don't know what Microsoft have on offer as extras. I think they offer some great additional software for their customers. Still, its refreshing to see someone with valid points and good knowledge of what MS have to offer! :)

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Skyrim Game Informer Images.
  • Skyrim Game Informer Images.

  • ciTiger
    Apr 25, 01:19 PM
    The phone is always to big and the screen is never big enough... LOL

    I'd rather have them trim the non screen edges than to increase the screen size... But hey, that's just me... And trim a little on the top and bottom also :)

    tes skyrim wallpaper. V: Skyrim Wallpapers in HD
  • V: Skyrim Wallpapers in HD

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 05:13 PM
    This is no value to me, if you consider your position to be narrow-mind, and not an abomination, sorry...., affront.
    Make more sense. This sentence of yours makes none.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Skyrim wallpapers now on
  • Skyrim wallpapers now on

  • Piggie
    May 4, 01:24 AM
    Ummmm incorrect. I have a major surgery coming up and the only way me and my doctor could sit down together and review the CT Scan was with my iPad 2 since all CT Scans are done on digital now instead of film. I simply stopped by the hospital and snagged the cd the night before my appointment and loaded it before I left the next day.

    My doctor said this was on his wish list, but he couldn't find anywhere in stock.


    The "Only way" ?

    What, you could not use a laptop?

    And how would an iPad only owner read the CD in the 1st place?

    Yes the iPad made a nice easy to use picture viewer once you had put the images on it from your real computer at home is what you are saying.

    You could just of easy taken a laptop which read the CD images off directly onto the screen and no needed this new device whatsoever.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. skyrim wallpaper hd.
  • skyrim wallpaper hd.

  • franswa za
    May 2, 10:45 AM
    I find it amusing that the G1 can run Android Gingerbread fairly well, but Apple makes it impossible to upgrade the original iPhone to the latest and greatest iOS.

    and, your point is?

    "old tech" wanting 2 b supported to include WHAT? you can still phone from the device, yes, my droogie?,

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Pre-TES V Skyrim Map
  • Pre-TES V Skyrim Map

  • amakh007
    Jan 15, 01:29 PM
    Overall thoughts......meh......
    1. No new iphone....just software updates
    2. No new AppleTV...just software updates
    3. A wireless backup hard drive......
    4. A super thin laptop...but the SSD version is over $3000

    I think Mac fans were thinking new iphone, new AppleTV, some tablet

    Basically we got a super expensive (albeit nice) thin laptop....

    Oh well...........

    tes skyrim wallpaper. More TES V: Skyrim News
  • More TES V: Skyrim News

  • Digitalclips
    Oct 1, 10:54 AM
    If I touch it on the southwest corner will it not work? ;)

    You have to grip it hard silly.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Resolution wallpaper vg
  • Resolution wallpaper vg

  • b166er
    Mar 17, 06:00 PM
    it's a shame the whole "antennagate" fiasco gave the iPhone 4 such a bad rep. I've had mine since launch, and I have had roughly 5 dropped calls. 3 of which happened while I was in a moving vehicle. So it could just as easily be blamed on the network or the place I was driving through at the time.

    It seems like whenever someone wants to knock the iPhone they go straight for the antenna non-issue.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. high resolution wallpaper
  • high resolution wallpaper

  • steelfist
    Nov 19, 05:57 AM
    it would mean backstabbing and betrayal if apple went with amd.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Video Game - Skyrim Wallpaper
  • Video Game - Skyrim Wallpaper

  • alexprice
    Jan 9, 04:45 PM
    You must all believe me. I'm watching it right now!

    tes skyrim wallpaper. SKYRIM DRAGONBORN WALLPAPER

  • drsmithy
    Oct 5, 02:08 AM
    The Mini is pretty powerful. Sorry to discount your argument, but I think that it's more than enough for people out there that aren't power users/computer nerds. Heck, my dad runs engineering software all day long on his Pentium 3 733mhz, 256MB RAM computer and doesn't feel the need to upgrade.

    It being in a small case is even better for the common user. Maybe to us, a small case seems like a bad computer, but the specs are similar to MacBook specs, which seems like enough for almost all users out there.

    Minis suck for gaming (and iMacs aren't much better). Much as people like to play this issue down, I think it's relatively significant problem for machines that are being primarily marketed at home users.

    Certainly, the single biggest reason I haven't replaced my Desktop PC with a Mac - despite *really* wanting to (even though it would run Windows as much as OS X) - is because a Mac that can play current games well is frighteningly expensive.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Official Skyrim Contest Guide
  • Official Skyrim Contest Guide

  • dyrer
    Apr 29, 07:01 PM
    I just bought a 15" MBP
    I have to pay for new Lion? to upgrade

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
  • Elder Scrolls: Skyrim

  • puckhead193
    Nov 23, 06:48 PM
    iPod Nano (except Reds): $138-$228

    The "red" iPod nanos and the new ipod shuffle remain at the same prices...

    that sucks! i was thinking of selling my 2gb and getting a red 4gb :mad:

    tes skyrim wallpaper. V Desktop Wallpapers
  • V Desktop Wallpapers

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 07:09 PM
    Lol, serious? Sorry bro, sounds pretty much the same to me. You're still assuming that because someone compares features with you, or comments on your phone, that they are jealous of you because of your phone.

    Thats the point though! If it was just comparing features or commenting then that would be fine, it just flat out rudeness and is totally unprovoked. I was just minding my own damn business and then some of these people come out with this nonsense.

    Comments like, "oh you so you have an iPhone, my XYZ is better because of this", "you paid �500 for a phone you need a case to use", "you're in a closed platform that is inferior in every way", "you paid more money for a shiny apple logo". Its comments like these that are totally unprovoked which irk me.

    By no means am I saying that someone can't have their own opinion, but theres no need to be rude about it. The person that posted below you pretty much summed it up.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Skyrim Game Informer Article.
  • Skyrim Game Informer Article.

  • jfmartin
    Jan 14, 08:50 AM
    Found in a prototype Macbook Air used by Steve Jobs

    The keynote to unfold like this

    Welcome !

    iPhone news (100%)
    * Sales news - 5 millions sold !
    * 8 g version of iPhone price drop - 329$ (50%)
    * 16 g version of iPhone - 399$ (50%)
    * 1.1.3 firmware as seen on the web in december (100%)
    * SDK based apps in developpement will be shown
    * The distribution model of iPhone apps (50%)
    * through iTunes
    * commercial or free
    * automatic upgrade of new versions of Apps
    * authentication/signature required for secure Apps

    iTunes news (100%)
    * More DRM-free content to compete with Amazon MP3 (50%)
    * No Beatles (100%)
    * Movie Rentals
    * 2.99$ -3.99$
    * 3 days rental period
    * from the first play
    * all majors (except sony)
    * play on all iPod/iPhone/AppleTV/Macs
    * Fox to encode version of the movie on the DVD, others studios to do the same
    * Movies rental at the same time of the DVD is out to the market
    * Movie for sale to see price hikes
    * some more differential factors to be announced but still unknown (100%)
    * iTunes 7.6 (not 8.0) (100%)
    * iPods firmware to see new versions to allow movie rentals (100%)

    * the forth leg of apple business, not a hobby anymore (100%)
    * AppleTV open plateform with new tool to build software for the AppleTV
    * some new tools will be shown
    * software for AppleTV available though iTunes (same as iPhone software)

    * new software version 2.0
    * movie rentals (100%)
    * make AppleTV less dependant of iTunes (rent directly from Internet) (80%)
    * new options: weather, news, rss reader, web browsing? (30%)

    * AppleTV device lineup
    * price drop for the current AppleTV (249$) (100%)
    * new AppleTV hardware with better sound support, other goodies still unknown (50%)
    * 160 gigs (299$) (100%)
    * 250 gigs (399$) (50%)
    * new Apple Remote (100%)

    Now, one more thing...

    * New MacBooks pro with new case design (50%)

    * New MacBooks with new case design (70%)

    * Review of the current state of light portables in the market
    * why is not mainstream ? What can we do to fix this ?
    * introducing Macbook Air (100%)
    * no SSD drive but 1.8 inch drives up to 160 gigs
    * no optical drives, sold seperately
    * two screen sizes: 13", 11-12"
    * aluminum, grey or black
    * very thin!!!
    * LED display
    * i/o ports very special to allow slimmer case design (details unknown)
    * 1500$ - 2000$

    Thanks to everybody for coming !

    1) Announces deal with movie companies for rentals through iTunes. These rentals will last the running time of the movie and cost $20.

    2) :apple:TV updated so that it can stream rental movies, but only to analog tvs.

    3) "There's Something in the Air" slogan turns out to be Apple branded oxygen dispenser called the iMask

    4) 16GB iPhone released for original price ($599)

    5) Mac mini discontinued

    6) Surprise switch back to Motorola chip (G6) with immediate updates for all laptop & desktop models

    7) "One More Thing" is rumored lightweight notebook (also doubles as hot plate)

    8) Steve announces the date he will step down as iCEO of Apple

    Before I get flamed, think about how little everyone will have to complain about the actual keynote in light of my pessimistic predictions (I don't actually think any of these things will happen).

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Re: TES V: Skyrim
  • Re: TES V: Skyrim

  • dejo
    Apr 27, 11:17 AM
    I still think it would help us if you described, at a high-level, what it is you are trying to accomplish.

    From what I can gather you want a countdown timer: a label that shows the seconds remaining, along with two buttons, one to start the countdown and one to cancel it. After the Start button is tapped, the label will start showing the seconds counting down. If the Cancel button is tapped, the countdown stops and is reset, so that if you tap Start again it begins back at 60 seconds. Is that correct?

    If so, I think you need to be aware that a countdown-timer and NSTimer are very different things.

    tes skyrim wallpaper. Scrolls Skyrim Wallpaper.
  • Scrolls Skyrim Wallpaper.

  • voicegy
    Jan 11, 07:03 PM
    I think people should just get over it. Although doing it while he was doing the talk was a little :mad:

    Well, eventually people WILL get over it, but for the moment, it's a hot topic.

    Over at Gizmodo's own site, the comment list on the story has reached 674 comments, 2 of which are my own. It's just about the most comments I remember seeing on a Giz story:


    I am once again feeling proud to be a MacRumors member - the comments HERE have been interesting, civil, and quite readable - even comments that I would disagree with. It's a madhouse over at Giz.:eek:

    Nov 23, 06:37 PM
    Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. Otherwise it'll just be about the same as the educational discount.

    I need something to tip me over the edge to get a Macbook :)

    Apr 24, 12:53 PM
    I am looking forward to installing Windows 8 on my MBA via Parallels. From what I'm seeing, it's looking good, very good!

    Here's a few pictures of the Windows App Store.


    Apr 16, 04:28 PM
    Last time I checked, it didn't take material wealth to have good character or to be exposed to it.

    So, no excuses then?

    Apr 9, 03:23 PM
    Moving and decided to not pay Comcast any more than I have to.

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    Debating (most likely) getting these for the 3DS

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    May 4, 04:04 PM
    Which brings me back to my initial reply. A "Firearm" has ZERO possibility of injuring your child, until someone behaves irresponsibly. I am fine with a doctor providing a pamphlet of common household hazards and steps to prevent them, but I get the feeling this is not the case. I can too easily imagine the doctor going off on a tangent about firearms deaths statistics, etc...

    But again, the most important part: If you dont want your doctor "politicing" you, GO TO A NEW DOCTOR. There should NEVER be laws against what you can or can not say.

    Exactly. Doctors getting into such issues is just plain stupid. Stupidity best solved by someone making a conscious choice to choose another doctor, not by more government bureaucracy and control over our lives.

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