Tuesday, May 31, 2011

nerd glasses

nerd glasses. Zara vest,Asos Nerd glasses
  • Zara vest,Asos Nerd glasses

  • ZildjianKX
    Oct 3, 01:04 PM
    God, I hope the Macbook Pros get updated before Macworld, but honestly Macworld is only 90 days away...

    nerd glasses. 2010-nerd-glasses.jpg
  • 2010-nerd-glasses.jpg

  • ikir
    Mar 25, 03:03 AM
    Happy Birthday OS X!!! You're my favorite OS:apple:

    nerd glasses. Accesories
  • Accesories

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 29, 06:00 PM
    NT 4 and Windows 95/98 don't use the same kernel at all. They might share the GUI sub-system (actually, it's called the Win32 sub-system, which is probably what Windows Team blog is referring when referring to API versions, since Win32 is the Windows API) (and yes, I know the 64 bit version is called Win64, just like the 16 bit version was called Win16), but they do not share the same architecture/kernel at all, which Smitty inferred. So no, Smitty wasn't right at all, is use of the word kernel was wrong and confusing.

    Anyway, the only way it makes sense again is Windows NT releases. I doubt the Windows Team Blog are in on marketing meetings. ;)

    do you happen to know what windows 7 code name was or was windows 7 the code name that became the marketing name?
    edit never mind: Look it up. it was Blackcomb what I though it was but was not sure.

    nerd glasses. BB - Gothica Nerd Glasses (3
  • BB - Gothica Nerd Glasses (3

  • macidiot
    Oct 19, 03:02 PM
    Not just for interest though - if Apple do not take a firm presence in the rapidly developing (India, China) countries now, they may well face the same uphill battle against Windows they have been fighting for the past whatever years in the US.

    Apple can't really compete in those countries. For Apple to have any sort of real presence there, there would have to be some sort of ~$300 Mac. And even at that price it would be considered expensive in India and China.

    In those countries (and corporate sales) it's all about low cost commodity pcs. Apple doesn't do that.

    Besides, given Apple's current marketshare, there are plenty of gains to be made just in the US. Apple could easily double it's world share just by focusing on the US.


    nerd glasses. nerd glasses isolated over
  • nerd glasses isolated over

  • Rooivalk
    Jul 24, 02:28 PM
    http://www.deadzune.com/ :)

    nerd glasses. Ultimate trend: Nerd Glasses!
  • Ultimate trend: Nerd Glasses!

  • iZac
    Mar 28, 04:13 PM
    This not so subtle shift is a terrifying glimpse into the future of our beloved OSX.


    nerd glasses. Nerd Glasses
  • Nerd Glasses

  • ThaDoggg
    Apr 23, 10:07 PM
    How about establishing a "thanks" button? If we feel the post merits a thank you as it's really helpful we hit that.

    nerd glasses. ebay nerd glasses glasses
  • ebay nerd glasses glasses

  • twoodcc
    May 11, 10:23 AM
    got a big one going now.

    oh ok good. now we can see how it does!


    nerd glasses. Nerd Glasses
  • Nerd Glasses

  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 08:35 AM
    You see, this is my point. Zero criticism. Steve Jobs ***** on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.

    If it's an iPod first then why's it got such ****** capacity? Why's it called the iPhone? Seriously, are you a genuine music producer that's happy to walk around with just 8 gigs worth of music?

    I don't carry around a 400 gig seagate hard drive - I carry around a 60 gig iPod because it does a great job. I don't have whatever phone you were talking about because I don't need a phone with a crappy mp3 player - I have an iPod. I'm guessing the price you quote is without a contract too.

    This thing costs so much because Jobs knows you people will buy anything he tells you to. Seriously people, is it so bad to question things?

    Revolution? Tell me when it starts.

    As a genuine music producer I have more than enough devices to listen to music on. I actually, don't like the quality of mp3s/aacs.. whatever. You do realize how slim the phone is right? Oh.. yes, its an ipod, and a phone.. and a fully functional internet device.

    The point here is not that people can question something.. it's that people automatically attack a product without even realizing that it's the best out there. And I don't automatically praise every Apple product there is. If something is worth the praise, then yes, it's called for.. and rightly so.

    Rather, the people who post 'what? its only got 8 gb? pffft.. its only got safari? pfft.. photo management? bah humbug.. quad gsm? crap.. 2 megapixel cam? not impressed'

    I want YOU to come up with the phone of your dreams, keep it slim so it looks like a phone and not a Palm Treo piece of rock.. and make it priced comparable to other phones.. or rather, a little lower than the other high-end phones out there. I swear, everyone here obviously has the skills to manufacture a high-end phone out of their a$$.

    COMPARE this phone to the other high-end phones.. and THEN talk. I did buy fancy phones.. Palm Treos were a nightmare. I hate Motorola's UI.. Sony Ericsson and Nokia were the only functional phones. But I saw the iPhone's UI.. features, etc.. and the price is right. I'm not buying the iphone simply because it's an apple product. If sony had made a phone like this.. I would have bought it as well.

    With every popular product.. or creative company.. comes along a bunch of retards who think every other brand out there is better. I will forever be grateful to OS X simply because of the productivity it provides, which is good for me and my career. A phone with OS X and features comparable to other top notch phones (and better)? I'm sold.

    And by the way.. this is MACrumors. Yes, we mac addicts do share the love. I'm getting the feeling that people who can't afford this stuff.. seem to do the most whining and bit@ching, and find every possible flaw there is.

    I prefer that technology to be made larger and turned into... anti crash aircraft, aircraft that flies on anti gravity and by definition will never crash.

    A bunch of floating speakers, who cares! Noise pollution man!

    Um, my point in the first place was that people would say "Wow.. how the hell did they manage to make speakers that float in the air" .. as in a physical feat that is impossible to achieve. I'm sure if I saw something levitate.. for e.g. speakers.. or for your sake.. anti-crash aircraft.. I wouldn't say 'EW'

    This is a discussion related to phones.. and the ipod combo.. and hence that example.

    nerd glasses. nerd costume : Nerd Glasses
  • nerd costume : Nerd Glasses

  • ipacmm
    Sep 25, 11:05 AM
    Glad to see an update but I wish they made it a little more professional over now becoming a consumer product....but a free upgrade is always nice.


    nerd glasses. Cute red nerd glasses all
  • Cute red nerd glasses all

  • Willis
    Jan 8, 11:08 AM
    I believe with QT Pro, you can save files such as those. Actually... might try it now lol

    nerd glasses. Nerd Glasses
  • Nerd Glasses

  • DeSnousa
    May 16, 07:44 PM
    you have to run the smp2 client to get a3 units. and you have to have a passkey and 10 completed units with the passkey to get a bonus (and you have to complete 80% of your units also i think)

    Thanks I have it all configured now, I have been doing a3 units all along. Can't wait to complete my 10 units. Hopefully this should boost the ppd from my i7 as it currently is doing 850-900ppd.


    nerd glasses. Nerd Glasses
  • Nerd Glasses

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 5, 03:04 PM
    I remember a girl/woman submitting such an app to Apple.

    It was rejected on the grounds:

    'Not required => redundant'.

    I see something changing now. :rolleyes:

    nerd glasses. nerd glasses isolated over
  • nerd glasses isolated over

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 28, 11:51 PM
    I keep on hearing these sick setups, I need photos now ;) Show me your f@h setup please :)


    nerd glasses. Actually nerd glasses are very
  • Actually nerd glasses are very

  • keysersoze
    Nov 16, 03:55 PM
    AMD does not have the ability to produce enough chips. Period. They have sold their soul to Dell, and Dell will suck them bone dry.

    Not gunna happen.

    nerd glasses. I made these big nerd glasses
  • I made these big nerd glasses

  • caliguy
    Nov 23, 08:16 PM
    yeah that's early! hmmm, what about the new york city 5th ave store? since they're 24/7, when would the sale start off for that store?? ...at 12 midnight tonight??:rolleyes:

    Ha, never thought of that. I supposed so :). The people can pick out what they want at 10 'till 12 and then get in line at 12:00.


    nerd glasses. Hello Kitty Nerd Glasses.
  • Hello Kitty Nerd Glasses.

  • spetznatz
    Mar 24, 05:48 PM
    Gelukkige Verjaarsdag, كل عام و أنت بخير, Ծնունդդ շնորհավոր, З днём нараджэння, Sretan rođendan, 生日快樂, V�echno nejlep�� k narozenin�m!, Fijne Verjaardag, Joyeux anniversaire, Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Buon compleanno, お誕生日おめでとうございます, qoSlIj DatIvjaj, 생일축하합니다, Felix dies natalis, Vill Gl�ck fir d�i Gebuertsdag!, Gratulerer med dagen, С днем рождения, �feliz cumplea�os!, Grattis p� f�delsedagen, Ch�c mừng sinh nhật, Halala ngosuku lokuzalwa... :cool:

    So many posts of "Happy Birthday", that one more would just get lost in the shuffle... So, how many ways can one say 'Happy Birthday (http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/birthday.htm)'? Let me count the ways... :eek:

    Happy Birthday Apple OS X... :) :apple:

    And don't forget 'Penblwydd hapus' and 'Bold�g sz�leit�snapot'...

    nerd glasses. Thrift store Nerd glasses
  • Thrift store Nerd glasses

  • tremendous
    Oct 8, 08:28 AM
    i say ban them from life

    nothin' but the chair for these practical jokers.

    nerd glasses. Nerdy glasses nerd glasses
  • Nerdy glasses nerd glasses

  • ipacmm
    Aug 7, 06:31 PM
    Be careful when buying at an Apple Store that they don't pawn off on you the previous generation model. I was told by an employee that they were the same except for the price. If your not careful they may try to sell their existing stock at the reduced price. Buy online for now. I can't see a way to tell which model is current and which is prior, except for the obvious brightness.

    The cinema display's didn't change, all that changed was the price. So there isn't any "previous generation model" from what I understand.

    Apr 16, 06:19 PM
    The angled back is very ZuneHD ish......

    Apr 10, 06:10 AM
    You do know that Windows had an App Store before OS X, but it got axed due to it being badly implemented which resulted in lack of custom? All they are doing there is returning and improving one of their own features, not copying Apple.

    If we consider only games, Microsoft's own game store has been running since December 2009. Games for Windows LIVE Marketplace.

    Apr 8, 04:24 PM
    Glad to see not everyones an Apple sheep..

    Apple Sheep Rule!

    That's sarcasm in case you don't get it.

    I imagine your declaration that there are "apple sheep" and that you are not one of them makes you feel very good about yourself. A respectability self injection! LMAO

    May 3, 03:45 PM
    Just like communism
    Considering communism is dependent on control of the resources so they can be equally doled out, it's not free and open. You're thinking of anarchy.
    Your username is appropriate. :rolleyes:

    If you want tethering, pay for it. The cell phone planes (without tethering) are calculated on a typical single (mobile) device usage - using it for more devices is stealing (you know, you signed the contract with the rules - if you don't like it you shouldn't have signed up)I'm on an unlimited plan, so how do I pay for tethering? I use around 8 GB/month because I stream music, so I can't give up my unlimited. If AT&T offered the option to add a tethering plan, I would take them up on it.

    Mar 17, 12:46 AM
    I am a reward zone member, the receipt said I paid $530.00 cash. I also received my reward zone points for purchase believe it or not. Funny thing is the kid looked like he was having a crappy day to begin with and probably had it with the madness in the store and looked like he didn't know how to take 2 different forms of payment.

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